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Meet the Team!

At Sean Philip Bridals, who will you meet to give you a great experience? Meet everyone!

Your in-person staff are all pictured here! Be greeted by our two front desk staff (the two in back). You may see them running around putting dresses back, ironing tuxedo pants, and anything else the store needs to keep running!

You will be helped finding your perfect dress by our two consultants (two on the couch in black). They're the ones that you spend the majority of your experience with. From pointing you to certain dresses, to handing a tissue to your bridal party when you've found the right dress, these girls are there for you!

And as the owner of the store, you have to stand out, right? Zepha (the only one in all white) will assist you with literally anything. She orders your dress, quality controls the dresses, finds you that one specific style that is sold out everywhere, she does it all!

Finally, the only one not able to be there for the in-person photo, here is our marketer. Your online interactions and any web-based presence we have is from our marketing team of one. You may also catch her as a consultant on occasion.

And that's the team! Truthfully, everyone helps each other out to make Sean Philip Bridals be what it is. We hope to see you soon at Sean Philip Bridals!


SPB Team


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